Rabu, 20 September 2006

Thank You Congressman Christopher Shays (CT)

Pictured: Congressman Christopher Shays

As a member of the House Nursing Caucus, I joined in support for the National Nurse Act because I am hopeful that creating a National Nurse Office within the Office of Public Health and Science will help encourage individuals to enter the nursing profession and improve the state of healthcare from the perspective of nurses.

A 2001 report by the General Accounting Office (GAO) found the recruitment and retention of nurses and nurses aides are major concerns for health care providers and this shortage is expected to become more serious as the population ages and the demand for nurses increases.

This is why I have consistently worked for increased federal funding for nurse education programs. A strong corps of qualified nurses is a critical part of quality healthcare and I am committed to improving the federal government's role in addressing the nursing shortages nationwide.

Senin, 18 September 2006

Family Support for Office of the National Nurse

Our family supports the creation of the Office of the National Nurse, to deliver the message of prevention to all Americans. We have three sons, ages 7, 4 and 3 months. All of them would benefit greatly in the future from the educational resources presented through such an office.

Each of our sons was delivered by an excellent physician, but it was the delivery nurse each time that impressed us the most. Thousands of women in this country benefit each day from the care given by their nurses during delivery, which makes the process of birth safer and more physically reasonable. The Office of the National Nurse will provide programs to address high-burnout in the nursing profession and also promote the status of these dedicated nurses everywhere.

Jenni Charrier
Orono, MN

Jumat, 15 September 2006

Jean Watson's theory selected as framework at St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, California

Saint Joseph Hospital in Orange, California has selected Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring as the framework on which we base our nursing practice. Burlew Medical Library has prepared a selective bibliography of articles by or about Watson from 1996-. This list of articles is in part 1 (articles available to SJO/CHOC employees) and part 2 (articles which could be ordered for SJO/CHOC employees. SJO/CHOC employees need only contact Burlew Medical Library to request any of these articles. Individuals at other entities should contact their own medical libraries.

Additionally, we will be offering a special viewing of a moving and inspirational DVD on the "Theory of Human Caring" which was produced by SJH nurses.

One hour sessions are scheduled in the Zhoul auditorium on

Monday Sept 18 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm 2006
Tuesday Sept 19 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Tuesday Oct 3 7:30 - 8:30 am
Monday Oct 16 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm
Friday Nov 3 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Monday Nov 6 12:00 noon -1:00 pm

No registration is required and breakfast/lunch will be served to St. Joseph Hospital of Orange staff.

Along these same lines, there is a very cool Nursing Theory Link page out of Clayton State University Department of Nursing where you can read about many nursing theories.

Evidence Based Library Science Conference

Evidence Based Library & Information Practice4th International Conference"Transforming the Profession"May 6-11, 2007, Chapel Hill-Durham, North Carolina, USA http://www.eblip4.unc.edu/ The Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference(EBLIP4) is an exciting international event that has emerged inresponse to the growing interest among all types of libraries in usingthe best available evidence to improve information practice. The conference on May 6-9, 2007 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina will be followed by two days of continuing education. The conference provides a forum for the presentation of high quality papers and posters aswell as examples of how EBLIP is being implemented in library and information settings around the globe. EBLIP4 invites submissions for contributed papers and posters including both original research and innovative applications of EBLIP in library and information management. Papers that deal with library support of evidence-based practice in other fields such as health, social work and public policy are also welcome.

Full instructions to authors may be found at http://www.eblip4.unc.edu/ Chapel Hill-Durham is located in the middle of the Eastern United States close to the Raleigh-Durham international airport. This central location in the Research Triangle area is only a short drive from scenic locations in North Carolina. The beaches are approximately two hours to the east and the mountains are two hours to the west. Washington DC is a 4.5 hour drive or 30 minutes by air. Important Dates

December 1, 2006 Submission deadline for abstracts for papers and posters
February 11, 2007 Final decisions for accepted papers
February 15, 2007 Final decisions for accepted posters
March 15, 2007 Submission deadline for full papers

Carol Perryman MSLISTRLN Doctoral FellowSchool of Information & Library ScienceUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Thank You Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Pictured: Congresswoman Eshoo

"Nurses have been indispensable to the health and well-being of the American people throughout our history and they play an increasingly vital role in our modern health care system. Along with the high level of care they give individual patients, nurses provide critical leadership in educating people about the early warning signs of disease and the steps necessary to maintain a health lifestyle.

That's why I'm proud to cosponsor H.R. 4903, The National Nurse Act of 2006. The creation of a federal Office of the National Nurse would be an invaluable addition to our efforts to combat disease and improve public health awareness. As head of the office, the National Nurse would be able to help set national health priorities and implement a systematic education effort with media campaigns and coordinated community-based projects. Just as important, the initiative will help address our nation's critical nursing shortage by raising public consciousness about the benefits of joining the nursing profession.

For all these reasons, I heartily support The National Nurse Act."

Rabu, 13 September 2006

Advertise on this Blog

More than 200 nurses and prospective nurses visit this blog every day. If this is the market you would like to reach and you would like to advertise on my blog please contact me at nurseaim@hotmail.com for rates.

Thank you,

Amy Robbins

In Support of An Office of the National Nurse

Pictured: Dina Wolkoff with 8 year old niece Vivian

I'm honored to support the Office of National Nurse.
The National Nurse Team has taken leadership to fill a significant leadership gap in this nation. The Office of National Nurse will coordinate a nationwide network of skilled nurses across this country, at the local level. The Office of National Nurse will inform policy decisions on the health and well-being of all Americans, and carry out these policies.

With the complexity of our nation's infrastructure, the reliability and comfort of a National Nurse network will benefit our nation. I stand by the team and all of the other supporters of this bill.

Dina Wolkoff
Senior Special Gifts Officer
Middlebury College, Vermont