Rabu, 29 Juni 2005

National Nurse Team Takes WA DC By Storm

I am in WA DC with my esteemed colleagues, Pat Carroll and Terri Polick. Yesterday, we met with Roxanne Fulcher, Health Policy Specialist from the American Association of Community Colleges, and the four of us spent the day lobbying members of the House to sponsor a bill for an Office of the National Nurse.

Thanks to Roxanne, we were able to meet face to face with Representatives Johnson (TX), Capps (CA), and McCarthy (NY) all nurses!!! They were all excited about the ideas we presented to them and really understand how valuable nurses are to our country.

We also saw Congressman Earl Blumenauer and finally met with the health policy specialist in Congressman David Wu's office.

We will be visiting the Senate today.

As soon as we return home, we promise to post pictures. :-) Stay tuned.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2005

Oregon Nurse Educator Heads Team Lobbying Congress for a National Nurse


Teri Mills, RN, MS, ANP is leading a team of nurses to meet with members of Congress this week to garner support for legislation establishing an Office of the National Nurse. Mills has been working on this concept for three years, but her vision now has nationwide support since her guest editorial calling for an Office of the National Nurse appeared in the national edition of the New York Times on May 20, 2005.

Mills is on the faculty of the nursing program at Portland Community College (Portland, OR) and she maintains her clinical practice as a nurse practitioner during the summer.

Joining Mills are Roxanne Fulcher, the Director of Health Professions Policy at the American Association of Community Colleges; Patricia Carroll RN, MS, an author and health careers educator in Connecticut; and Terri Polick, RN of Maryland.

The National Nurse team is meeting with Mills’ home state US Representatives David Wu (D-OR) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who placed Mills’ guest editorial in the Congressional Record.

They are also meeting with the three US Representatives who are nurses and leaders of the House Nursing Caucus: Lois Capps (D-CA), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY).

Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) welcome the team on June 29th.

Appointments with other Members are pending once scheduling can be confirmed.

Nurses and their supporters across the country believe that establishing this post will ultimately improve the health of our citizens. Patients have always looked to nurses to learn about their condition and treatment plan. The Office of the National Nurse will take education to local communities, teaching people of all ages how to: stay healthy, prevent injuries, recognize early signs of illness, manage chronic conditions, and when to see a health care provider.

Nurses continually top the Gallup Organization’s annual survey on the honesty and ethical standards of the professions, making an Office of the National Nurse an ideal platform from which to drive credible health education.

Mills says, “During a time when healthcare is becoming less affordable and accessible to millions of Americans, it is time for us to look at solutions that will benefit all of us.” In addition, with the ongoing nursing shortage the United States is facing that is expected to worsen in the next decade, Mills explains, “It is important for Americans to understand the critical role of nurses in our health care system and the value of the work they perform. This will encourage others to enter the nursing profession.”

For more information: http://www.nationalnurse.info
When I support Teri's efforts for the office of the National Nurse, I think about this beautiful child, my daughter Emma Maria, and how she deserves the best health care system available to our citizens. Thank you, Teri! We need a National Nurse Corps!

Moses Ross
Portland, OR
 Posted by Hello

Jumat, 17 Juni 2005

2005 PCC Graduates Set to Ease Nursing Shortage
 Posted by Hello

Washington DC Less Than Two Weeks Away

The National Nurse Team is preparing to take Washington DC by storm.

National Nurse Teri from Oregon will be joined by National Nurse Pat from Connecticut and National Nurse Terri from Maryland. We will be accompanied by a member of the American Association of Community Colleges as well.

Slowly but surely, we are drawing in members of Congress and warming them up to the idea that we need an Office of the National Nurse to help promote health and lessen disease and suffering in America.

You can lend us your support by signing our petition-petitiononline.com/rnusa1/petition.html

Kamis, 09 Juni 2005

Teri Is Going To Washington DC

Despite a few setbacks, I will be traveling to Baltimore, MD and then to Washington DC the last week in June. Johnson and Johnson's Dare To Care Program is providing a grant to help pay some of my expenses, and we are hoping that other organizations will be joining in and serving as co-sponsors. During the trip I and members of the National Nurse Team will be meeting with members of Congress to propose an Office of the National Nurse.

Today's Community Newspapers (these are delivered in various cities in the Portland Metropolitan area such as Tigard, Tualatin, Beaverton, and Lake Oswego) featured a story on the National Nurse which actually was quite complimentary. "Prevention is the best way to lower health costs. Who better than nurses to teach people how to do this?" "A National Nurse would give public recognition to the valuable work that nurses perform every day," Mills said.

During my last faculty meeting of the year, I was honored by the Oregon Center for Nursing and presented with a Florence Nightingale medallion for drawing positive attention to nursing and coming up with solutions for America's health care crisis.
The back of the medal states, 'In the Name of Compassion, Hope, Peace. The Nightingale Fierce Protectress'.

Stay tuned for further news and please keep signing and forwarding the Petition for An Office of the National Nurse.

Senin, 06 Juni 2005

Teri on local television broadcast

Greetings! The local Portland television station KPTV channel 12 broadcast their interview with Teri the other night and she did a great job! Watch the video clip by going to their website: www.kptv.com and scroll down the page. It is currently posted with the headline "Tualatin woman has plan to improve health crisis".

They add " The United States is suffering from a health crisis. A majority of Americans are overweight, and millions more don't have health insurance. But Teri Mills of Tualatin has a unique plan to improve the situation."

They also provide a direct link to this website in their "Links" section off to the left of the main page.


ps. Over 400 signatures on the petition as of tonight! Keep 'em coming!

Minggu, 05 Juni 2005

360 Signatures on the Petition and Climbing

Greetings on a rainy day in beautiful Portland, Oregon. I am pleased to report that many groups have decided to eblast the petition for Congress to legislate an Office of the National Nurse to their members. These include the Maryland State Nurse's Association, the Oregon Multnomah County Democrats, the Oregon Washington County Democrats, and the Democratic Party of Oregon. Of course, we would love to see some Republican, Independent, Green Party and other groups send information about the Office of the National Nurse out to their membership too.

Health care is a family value and we certainly need affordable and accessible health care for all Americans. As nurses, we have seen firsthand how vital education is to keeping people well. The Office of the National Nurse would focus on prevention first.

I and my nursing students will be on KPTV/Fox News-Channel 12 tonight at 5 pm in the Portland Metropolitan area. Be sure to check back to see if there is a link we can post for everyone to watch.

In the meantime, please keep emailing the petition link to others so they can sign too.

Rabu, 01 Juni 2005

Interviews With RN Magazine and Good Day Oregon

Teri began her day with a 7:00 am interview with RN Magazine, a journal that reaches one quarter of a million nurses!! The article will be published in the July, 2005 issue.

A short time later, Teri found herself in the PCC Nursing Skills Lab surrounded by 6 of her nursing students and a camera crew from Good Day Oregon. This interview is scheduled to run on Sunday, June 5, 2005 at 5 pm PST. If there is a link to this story, Teri will be sure to share it with you.

Please keep the momentum going with signing the petition for the Office of the National Nurse. Click to sign it by looking at the column just to the right of this screen.

AFT-Oregon's Teri Is Going National!

Subject: Teri's Goin' National - Local 2277's own Teri Mills

DFO's Teri Mills in the New York Times: Dethrone the Surgeon General
The NYT published DFO leader Teri Mills' Op-ed, "America's Nurse" on May 20th.
The article was the third most emailed story for the day and Teri has been
swamped with emails and media requests.

On Tuesday May 25, Teri was guest on (Air America) Thom Hartmann's show;
watch for a reprint of her op-ed in the Oregonian!

You can hear the rado interview and also learn more about the role of the
National Nurse at www.nationalnurse.info.

Sign the upcoming petition and help make the National Nurse a reality.

Mills says, "We need health care, not sick care in America
and who better able to make this happen than nurses."