Minggu, 05 Juni 2005

360 Signatures on the Petition and Climbing

Greetings on a rainy day in beautiful Portland, Oregon. I am pleased to report that many groups have decided to eblast the petition for Congress to legislate an Office of the National Nurse to their members. These include the Maryland State Nurse's Association, the Oregon Multnomah County Democrats, the Oregon Washington County Democrats, and the Democratic Party of Oregon. Of course, we would love to see some Republican, Independent, Green Party and other groups send information about the Office of the National Nurse out to their membership too.

Health care is a family value and we certainly need affordable and accessible health care for all Americans. As nurses, we have seen firsthand how vital education is to keeping people well. The Office of the National Nurse would focus on prevention first.

I and my nursing students will be on KPTV/Fox News-Channel 12 tonight at 5 pm in the Portland Metropolitan area. Be sure to check back to see if there is a link we can post for everyone to watch.

In the meantime, please keep emailing the petition link to others so they can sign too.

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