Senin, 12 September 2005

Newsletter: September 12, 2005

Dear National Nurse Supporters:

As promised here is our report from our trip Washington, DC. We had meetings with The American Organization of Nurse Executives, The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing, and The Center for American Progress. We were also able to brief the Democratic National Committee, Nurse Admiral Mary Pat Couig, The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, The Center for Health Transformation and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

Additionally we made contact with many other nursing and health care leaders to introduce the initiative. Thank you to all those who took time out from their busy work schedules and for giving us their attention in this difficult time when most of Washington, DC is focusing on helping Hurricane Katrina survivors.

During our meetings there were many good questions asked, suggestions given, and ideas shared. Above all the nursing organizations were concerned about the logistics of the Office, and how it will be funded. We will take back everything that was shared as we continue to move the initiative forward.

Where do we go from here?

As we wait for the bill to be dropped we would appreciate:
· Letters of support written to the organizations you belong to.
· Letters to the editor of your local newspapers and nursing journals you subscribe to.
· Purchase a button or bumper sticker at to increase awareness
· Encourage others to sign up for the newsletter at

Our immediate plans include:
· Adding a link to the website which outlines the proposal.
· Submitting abstracts to nursing and health care conferences to continue to educate nurses and others about the initiative.

Please continue to E-mail us with comments and questions!

Teri Mills, Terri Polick, and Alisa Schneider
The National Nursing Network Organization

“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”
- Florence Nightingale

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