Selasa, 08 November 2005

I thought this was going to be a documentary

..but it is far too sparse to provide any accurate picture of what it is to be a nursing student.

Or perhaps, maybe this is the perfect example of what nursing school is... I am so busy, I am unable to find time for even the smallest tasks like blogging.

Today is a Tuesday, which means I must prepare my preclinical paperwork before going to the hospital at 0630 tomorrow. If I want to give a medicine, I must construct a "drug card" detailing the drug's action, effects, side effects, safe dosage level, half-life, nursing implications, etc. Today I (somewhat masochistically) picked a patient with no less than 17 different medications I am able to give. Quite a cocktail, that bunch. Needless to say, I'm going to be really really busy for the next seven hours.

I was set back in time a little bit by a random drug screen today. Once a semester we have to pay $30 to pee in a cup. Failure means dismissal from the program, but I'm beginning to think that it is more for money than to assure quality service. $30! Yeesh! Life is expensive.

Time to study. Good luck with your own studies, everyone.

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