Senin, 05 Desember 2005

National Nurse: December newsletter

Happy Holidays!

The National Nurse Team has much good news to report.

First, a new website,, will soon be launched. It will have many features including the means to contact politicians and nurse leaders in support of the National Nurse. We also plan to have a map of the United States that will contain contact information for each of the state nursing associations. Nurses will be invited to call and email their state and national leaders to express their support for a National Nurse.

Numerous nurse writers are excited to spread the word about our National Nurse initiative. Christina Orlovsky featured stories in Nurse Zone: and Travel Nursing

Annie Nowlin, RN from Illinois, is writing an article for ADVANCE. Karen Dahood, a writer from Tuscon, AZ, has also called us with questions about the National Nurse . And Lillian Gonzalez, from Nevada has contacted each State Nursing Association to request publishing information about the National Nurse in their Associations' publications. She has received very positive responses from several states. So far she has submitted exclusive articles to Vermont and Iowa and is working on one for Nevada.

We have referred all of these writers to Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) for statements, as it is her wonderful work and leadership that will one day turn the National Nurse from an idea into a reality. To one writer she responded, "I am very supportive of efforts to create a national nurse position and am currently working on legislation to do so. I am pleased to see this idea is generating public support. This type of grassroots advocacy will be essential once we have a bill to introduce to Congress."

Alisa and Teri spoke to the Oregon Nursing Leadership Council in mid November and will be working with three of their members who graciously volunteered their time to assist them.

Alisa and Teri also wrote and videotaped a script of what a National Nurse and "expert nurse" broadcast might look like, talking about ways to live healthy and it will be invaluable to take with us when we make future presentations. This videotape was sponsored by Portland Community College who advocate with us for better education of the public on preventive health practices.
Momentum is building and we are encouraged by what we have accomplished and by the support we have received. However, more support is needed and here are ways you could help:

1. Forward this email to those you feel may want to know more about the National Nurse campaign. Ask them to visit our website, and sign up for our newsletter.

2. This holiday season, visit to purchase National Nurse token to help spread the word.

3. Contact us and give us your feedback on how we are doing. We value and take very seriously any and all suggestions.

We are working very hard to establish an Office of the National Nurse. It's our profession and our nation's health that we value. And by succeeding in our mission, nurses will have an opportunity to help save our nation's healthcare!

May this holiday season be blessed with good health, happiness and peace to you and your loved ones.

Teri, Terri, and Alisa

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