Rabu, 25 Januari 2006

Oregon Nurse Responds

We definitely concur with the suggestions in this email we received from a nurse in Oregon.

"I'm glad your team is doing some positive lobbying for nursing's image. I firmly believe our nation does not understand all that nursing does and with proper education would request more nursing related services in all areas of health care. I hope your program will emphasize nursing as a whole and it's diverse roles."

"On the other hand, I'm concerned about the ideas of having a variety of nursing folks posting educational messages. Not that I am worried about their expertise in their field, only whether health promotion specialists will be on board divising successful health education/promotion within the messages. Trained health promotion specialists need to be involved to make the messages as successful as possible."

On another subject, we were thrilled to hear just this week from nurse educators teaching in New York, Texas, Connecticutt, Massachusetts, and Nebraska who are integrating the National Nurse proposal into their curriculum. We are happy to provide you with our free poster-simply send an email to teri@nationalnurse.info

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