Rabu, 29 Maret 2006

Things Always Look Up

The sour classmate (see previous post) has taken a turn for the friendly.
This only reinforces my belief in the value of kindness toward one's enemies. Refusing to meet a challenge with an equal challenge isn't selling out. Some people might mistake a lack of confrontation or self-defense as weakness. But it is not. It is only a more stealthy way of tending one's relationships.

I liken it to slipping a medicine into someone's oatmeal. Slowly the disease is destroyed from the inside out. Maybe it doesn't work every time. Maybe you need to try a few different treatments. Or maybe the disease can't be cured. But more often than not, that person you cared for will realize they can't remember why they dislike you anymore.

Sometimes yin conquers yang, if you understand what I mean.

In other news, I started my first IV today. I was totally jazzed about it all morning. And last Monday my group made one hell of a presentation. Beyond that, it's business as usual.

I'm ever the optimist.

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