Minggu, 09 April 2006

From Oregon To Maine

(Pictured: Alisa Schneider in Representative Tom Allen's Office)

During Spring Break, Alisa traveled to Maine and met with the legislative aides of Representatives Allen and Michaud. These visits are a great way of informing members of Congress about house resolution 4903. Over 14,000 bills are introduced into the House of Representatives during a session, so the best way to bring attention to proposals you want to see receive a hearing is to call and visit your elected member of Congress. Remember a constituent is a voter.

The National Nurse Team is hearing from nurses all over the United States who want to see a change in how we deliver the message of health promotion and prevention to the nation. Nurses and supporters are making appointments with their own U.S. Representatives to urge them to co-sponsor HR 4903, the National Nurse Act of 2006.

These visits are making a difference, and we anticipate there will be more than seven co-sponsors once Congress resumes the second session. Co-sponsors may only be added when the House is in session.

Congressional members are out for Easter recess the next two weeks and will be home in their district. If you would like materials about the Office of the National Nurse that can be put into a packet you can deliver to your own Representative, email teri@nationalnurse.info

The team also has a poster that can be sent via email to let your co-workers know about the campaign and function of the Office of the National Nurse.

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