Selasa, 06 Juni 2006

Thank You Representative Henry Waxman (CA)

Pictured: Representative Henry Waxman (CA)

Congressman Waxman represents the 30th District of California and is a member of the House Health Subcommittee. He has been a consistent leader on health and environmental issues, including universal health coverage. The National Nurse Team is appreciative that he has signed on to co-sponsor HR 4903, the National Nurse Act of 2006. Congressman Waxman is also very supportive of Americans receiving the message that many diseases have preventable risk factors to them and sees the value of an Office of The National Nurse as his statement below demonstrates.

"Nursing is a critical part of good healthcare, and deserves an office in the department to promote better public health. I'm proud to support HR 4903 and nurses in the effort to create healthier lifestyles across the country."

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