Jumat, 11 Agustus 2006

California School Nurses Organization Endorses HR 4903

The California School Nurses Organization voted at their executive board meeting last month to support HR 4903, the National Nurse Act of 2006. Representative Lois Capps who introduced the bill in Congress on March 8, 2006 is a former school nurse and a member of this organization.

Here is their letter of endorsement:

The California School Nurses Organization is pleased to be able to take a support position on HR 4903. This very important federal legislation, authored by Representative Lois Capps, of California, will focus national attention on the importance of nursing; hopefully inspire entry into nursing careers, and enhance the value of practicing nurses.

The California School Nurses Organization is the professional organization for school nurses practicing in California. We represent over 1400 members, in both the public and private schools and serve children from birth through 22 years of age in all school settings, preschool through grade 12. Since the 1950's, CSNO has been promoting and strengthening the role of school nurses in the educational community. Today the organization's goals are professional development, legislative advocacy, and communication among school nurses, membership recruitment, public relations, governance, and leadership development. We have a vision: all children should be in school, healthy, ready, and able to learn.

If this legislation passes, and the Office of the National Nurse is established, it will help to prioritize and deliver the health agenda to the nation by complementing government services already in place, and will focus much needed attention to a health agenda that prioritizes wellness and prevention. We strongly support this legislation.


Dee Apodaca

Nancy Spradling
Executive Director

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