Rabu, 26 Juli 2006

In Full Support of A National Nurse

Pictured: Elaine Williams

I am in full support of HR 4903 because the American public deserves to know and understand what we do. People desperately need education in health maintenance and even more importantly in understanding their own disease processes, medications and care. I have practiced nursing for the past 32 years and worriedly watch as more and more physicians have decided that "patient teaching" is no longer part of their job, in part, due to time constraints and low or no reimbursement for their time. Nursing has always found the time to "patient teach" but it is becoming increasingly more difficult due to poor staffing and the nursing shortage.

We need an organized approach and good leadership. We need the recognition to attract fresh new recruits to this wonderful and rewarding profession. We need a voice...one loud, educated, credible voice.

Elaine S. Williams RN, BSN, CGRN

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