Rabu, 12 Juli 2006

Thank You Representative Greg Walden (OR)

Pictured: Congressman Greg Walden (OR)

The National Nurse Team welcomes the addition of Congressman Greg Walden as a cosponsor to HR 4903. Congressman Walden co-chairs the 182 member House Rural Health Care Coalition and is committed to advancing rural priorities in health care policy.

Here is Congressman Walden's statement about the National Nurse Act of 2006:

"I'm proud to strongly support the establishment of an Office of the National Nurse. Nurses are a vital link in health care delivery systems throughout the nation. They are skilled, compassionate and accessible to patients, which makes them uniquely positioned to serve as patient caregivers and as patient educators. Education efforts led by nurses could dramatically reduce the prevalence of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, saving both lives and health care costs. An Office of the National Nurse could help bolster the coordination of such efforts, increasing their efficiency and efficacy, while also raising public awareness of the tremendous asset nurses are to health care delivery and encouraging people to consider entering the nursing profession."

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