Kamis, 16 Februari 2006

Nurses: Send Us Your Health Tips

Our last newsletter went out on Valentine's Day and we received many emails in response. One of our supporters who is not a nurse recommended we begin to role model what we see the Office of the National Nurse accomplishing each week in its broadcast messages. An Oregonian wrote, "Include a serious and unique health tip at the start of each email to start showing people now the value there will be in having a National Nurse."

We have already invited our first nurse expert to share a health tip with us and this will go out to you in our next newsletter.

Let's all begin to help keep Americans and each other well. If you are nurse expert, please submit your health tip for wellness including references for your tip to us at teri@nationalnurse.info so we can share this in our newsletter and on our website. Include your name, title, state, and a small picture in jpg or gif format.

Let's work together and begin to put the health back into healthcare!

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