Minggu, 12 Februari 2006

Ways to Support the National Nurse Proposal

Thank you to everyone who has been writing and asking us about ways they can help us move the National Nurse proposal forward. Here are a few suggestions, and once we have a piece of legislation, we will add an action center to the website with more specific information.

1. Submit your email to receive our newsletter. There is a new one going out tomorrow, Feb. 13th so don't delay.

2. Consider buying a bumper sticker, teeshirt, mug, or buttons at www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse

3. Make a contribution to help us with traveling expenses, videostreaming our presentation, and the costs of our daily operation (newsletter, website, mailings, long distance phone calls, printing, etc.) See the link on the left side of the blog or send an email to teri@nationalnurse.info to mail a check to the National Nursing Network Organization. We are a non profit corporation and are not tax exempt, so your contributions are not tax deductible.

4. Email us to receive a copy of your own downloadable poster that you can print copies of right in the comfort of your own home.

5. Ask to get on the agenda for your own organization's meeting and speak to others about what the National Nurse is about. Many are doing just that, and we have materials to help.

6. We have a huge stack of postcards ready to mail to our members of Congress, so if you would like some of these mailed to you, send us an email.

7. Many are asking for a story about the National Nurse, so if you enjoy writing and would like to pursue this, please email us.

We appreciate the help of so many, Renee in Ohio and Cheryl in Arizona, for helping us with this website; Moses in Portland, for helping us to get our newsletter to you; the OR Student Nursing Association for inviting us to speak at their annual convention next week; and of course, Representative Lois Capps (D-CA) and her dedicated and hard-working staff.

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