Selasa, 07 Februari 2006

Vermont Nurse Connection

Thank you to the Vermont Nursing Association for publishing an article about the National Nurse written by nurse writer, Lillian Gonzalez. Ms. Gonzalez provides the background information for an Office of the National Nurse and describes the activities the Office will partake in. Perhaps the most compelling paragraph is this:

"Conditions are perfect for America to achieve the highest level of wellness a nation can attain. But to realize an Office of the National Nurse, the nursing community must unite. Every person can get involved and make a difference. One nurse by the name of Lois Capps, Representative for California's 23rd Congressional District, has taken a crucial first step. In an official statement, Congresswoman Capps stated that she not only supports efforts to create a National Nurse, but "(is) currently working on legislation to do so." By uniting across the country, the nursing profession can accomplish what could potentially be the most important piece of legislation not only to the nursing profession, but also to the wellness of our country. Unity among nurses across the country is essential. According to the Congresswoman, "grassroots advocacy will be essential once we have a bill to introduce to Congress."

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