Jumat, 16 Desember 2005

Nurses Running for the Hill

Nurses have always been a powerful force in healthcare, promoting the welfare of their patients. Now members of the nursing profession are flexing their political muscle by running for Capitol Hill. Running for their first term in the U.S. House of Representatives are Paula Hollinger (D-MD), John Russell (D-FL), and Sheila Sorensen (R-ID). Rosalind Kurita (D-TN) is running for the U.S. Senate, and if elected, she will be the first nurse to serve as a U.S. senator. U.S. Representatives Lois Capps (D-CA), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) are nurses currently serving on Capitol Hill, and are running for re-election in 2006.

Nurses can shape U.S. health care policies by financially supporting nurse candidates and by going to the polls to vote.

The Candidates:

State Senator Paula Hollinger Posted by Picasa

Maryland State Senator Paula Hollinger, a 26-year veteran of the Maryland state legislature, believes access to healthcare is one of America's most pressing issues. While in the Maryland legislature, Hollinger supported nurse practitioners, particularly in the community setting, and says she will continue to do so when she gets to Washington.

John Russell Posted by Picasa

Nurse practitioner, John Russell, says he is running for Congress because he can't stand by and watch what's happening to our nation's healthcare system. Russell favors national healthcare coverage and would support a bill to repeal the recently passed Medicare drug plan.

Sheila Sorenson Posted by Picasa

Former Idaho State Senator Sheila Sorensen believes her background as a nurse practitioner and state legislator has given her a greater understanding about healthcare issues. Sorensen supports medical care savings accounts and giving tax credits to small businesses that provide health insurance to their employees.

State Senator Rosalind Kurita Posted by Picasa

Tennessee State Senator Rosalind Kurita says she's running for the U.S. Senate because there are issues she wants to fight for. While serving in office, Kurita has taken the lead to improve nursing education, raised standards for nursing home care, and pushed for legislation that holds HMOs accountable when they harm patients.

U.S. Representative Lois Capps Posted by Picasa

Rep. Lois Capps, sponsor of the Nurse Reinvestment Act, is a co-founder of the Congressional Nursing Caucus, which educates Congress on the issues important to nurses. She believes that our nation is at a critical juncture in providing healthcare to all Americans. She is currently drafting a bill that would establish the Office of the National Nurse.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Posted by Picasa

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson was the first nurse elected to the Texas House of Representative, the Texas Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives. She believes the Medicare drug plan is a farce, and wants to overhaul current legislation. During the 107th Congress, she served as chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Posted by Picasa

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy says her understanding of healthcare, by way of her nursing career, helps her make informed decisions on pending legislation. Currently, McCarthy and her colleagues are working on the legislation that would help get more nurses into teaching and forgive loans for those going into nursing or for individuals advancing their nursing careers.

For further information about nurses running for national office, read "Running for the Hill" by Terri Polick here.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2005

Extracurricular Surgery, then Finals.

Well, finals are over and I'm still alive. I managed four B's and three A's this semester... though 3 of those B's were 90 or 91% (remember, 92% is the lowest A). Not complaining though, I'm just glad to be on vacation!

The faculty was really nice during the last week. They brought us breakfast every day; sometimes donuts, sometimes catered stuff. My instructor made her delicious "chess cake"... which is basically tiny little cheesecake squares dusted in powdered sugar. Heavenly.

Last Saturday I had the most awesome experience.

A nurse anesthetist from my church asked me if I'd like to come shadow him at his job. I accepted and got up at 0600 to meet him at the hospital, and then stood next to him for four hours while two surgeons performed a hysterectomy. This nurse anesthetist showed me everything he was doing and explained all the equipment. He told me the names of the drugs he injected, what they acted on, what he was watching for to be sure all aspects were balanced. I gained a really detailed overview of his work. And on top of the learning, it was a very interesting surgery. I got to see this lady's uterus and intestines and stuff, it was so awesome!

I don't believe I mentioned the surgical observation experience that I had through the nursing school. Throughout the semester, students are rotated out for a single day in the OR. When I arrived for my assignment, all my classmates had already picked the most interesting cases. So I ended up observing 3 cataract surgeries, and was actually made queasy by the needle they used to inject the local anesthetic into the eye. I spent most of that morning sitting off to the side while the staff ignored me. A very boring day.
(I have no idea why the needle bothered me and the open abdomen didn't. I'm not squeamish, but they say at good third of students feel unexpectedly ill the first time they set foot in an OR. A large percentage faint, but thankfully I wasn't one of those.)

How awesome to get another chance to learn! And from someone with an advanced license! I know I want to go to grad school eventually, and while the lack of patient interaction in the OR seems a bit boring to me, I was really excited to see something new.

I gotta remember to write a thankyou note.

Senin, 05 Desember 2005

National Nurse: December newsletter

Happy Holidays!

The National Nurse Team has much good news to report.

First, a new website, www.nationalnurse.org, will soon be launched. It will have many features including the means to contact politicians and nurse leaders in support of the National Nurse. We also plan to have a map of the United States that will contain contact information for each of the state nursing associations. Nurses will be invited to call and email their state and national leaders to express their support for a National Nurse.

Numerous nurse writers are excited to spread the word about our National Nurse initiative. Christina Orlovsky featured stories in Nurse Zone: http://www.nursezone.com/job/MedicalNewsAlerts.asp?articleid=14479 and Travel Nursing http://www.travelnursing.com/News.aspx?ArticleID=14526.

Annie Nowlin, RN from Illinois, is writing an article for ADVANCE. Karen Dahood, a writer from Tuscon, AZ, has also called us with questions about the National Nurse . And Lillian Gonzalez, from Nevada has contacted each State Nursing Association to request publishing information about the National Nurse in their Associations' publications. She has received very positive responses from several states. So far she has submitted exclusive articles to Vermont and Iowa and is working on one for Nevada.

We have referred all of these writers to Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) for statements, as it is her wonderful work and leadership that will one day turn the National Nurse from an idea into a reality. To one writer she responded, "I am very supportive of efforts to create a national nurse position and am currently working on legislation to do so. I am pleased to see this idea is generating public support. This type of grassroots advocacy will be essential once we have a bill to introduce to Congress."

Alisa and Teri spoke to the Oregon Nursing Leadership Council in mid November and will be working with three of their members who graciously volunteered their time to assist them.

Alisa and Teri also wrote and videotaped a script of what a National Nurse and "expert nurse" broadcast might look like, talking about ways to live healthy and it will be invaluable to take with us when we make future presentations. This videotape was sponsored by Portland Community College who advocate with us for better education of the public on preventive health practices.
Momentum is building and we are encouraged by what we have accomplished and by the support we have received. However, more support is needed and here are ways you could help:

1. Forward this email to those you feel may want to know more about the National Nurse campaign. Ask them to visit our website, www.nationalnurse.info and sign up for our newsletter.

2. This holiday season, visit www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse to purchase National Nurse token to help spread the word.

3. Contact us and give us your feedback on how we are doing. We value and take very seriously any and all suggestions.

We are working very hard to establish an Office of the National Nurse. It's our profession and our nation's health that we value. And by succeeding in our mission, nurses will have an opportunity to help save our nation's healthcare!

May this holiday season be blessed with good health, happiness and peace to you and your loved ones.

Teri, Terri, and Alisa

Rabu, 16 November 2005

The Really Useful Page + The Last Patient

I run a website to help out my clinical level at NSU.

Basically, I scan all the paperwork forms into the computer so that they can be printed from the website. The copy machine is 10 cents a page, but computer lab printouts are free. My clinical level has found it invaluable, so I plan to expand the project next year. I'm thinking of requesting some official school webspace to set this up permanently. It would be a student-run thing that would fill in the gaps left by teachers who can't figure out how to use Blackboard.

Those of you at other colleges... you should look into doing this for your own school. Its a great community-support thing. (I'd link my page as an example so you could see it for yourself, but there are copyright issues involved.)

It is important for nurses to help eachother.


Today was my last day in the hospital as a first level clinical student. I can hardly believe the semester has flown by so quickly! I had an exciting ending to the semester. My patient had wildly fluctuating glucose levels and uncontrolled diabetes. Thankfully they'd gotten her down from 400 to about 200, and holding steady. Then, when we were talking about brushing her teeth, she told me she wasn't feeling right. A quick glucose check showed her level to be down in the 40's. Freak out! I was running around with orange juice and sugar packets and sticking her finger every fifteen minutes. She started to get drowsy before I got the juice in her. Thankfully she didn't pass out on me! As I left I watched her grimace as they kept re-sticking her for some blood to take down to the lab. The longer I work in the hospital, the more thankful I am that I am an "easy stick".

She was an interesting patient in more ways than one. She told me about her move into the nursing home after her daughter could no longer care for her. It was disheartening to hear; she was obviously intelligent and fully cognizant. She didn't want to bother her daughter with her depression. I found myself unable to speak. What words could I offer in the face of such suffering?

I feel this society needs a major paradigm shift when it comes to nursing homes. People think these homes are where people go to die, but that isn't the case at all. Nursing homes are places where people keep on living.

True, quality of life is often diminished from what a person once knew. Especially for a woman such as this; she is only there so health professionals can monitor her blood sugar and her tendency for falls. When I listened to her speaking in such soft, deliberate tones, she conveyed to me such profound sadness. Yet even with the sadness, her voice also held a resolve to live in spite of it. To live.

When I am old, I hope to bear myself with such dignity. When I am depressed, I hope I can find such strength of will.

Report Card

*does a dance* Who made A's on their last two tests? That's right, it was me. And it's something to be proud of; the third Pathophysiology test had a class average of 71%. (As you know, 80% is the lowest passing grade.)

Patho is going to keep a lot of people from going on to second level. One guy in my group has already calculated that he can't raise his average to 80 even with the final grade, so he's out before the semester's even over. Poor guy. Some say Patho was easier over the summer last year. I don't regret waiting to take it, and I'll be more than happy to pass with the B this year.

We're in the midst of registering for second level classes. Everyone is telling horror stories to their underclassmen. "Walker knows her stuff. If you get Landry, she'll only put you on the spot about drug cards and send you home with an F if you don't know what all your meds are". Others say "Downy is really easy, but Landry is better because she doesn't assign much paperwork". Conflicting rumors. I wonder which are true? Its so hard to judge, with everything being so subjective.

Honestly, I could care less who I end up with. If it's someone really hard... well... I know I'll be that much better a nurse for it. I may be a grade-obsessor, but I'd rather make a hard-earned C than an easy A, since I'll know for sure that I passed by sheer force of will rather than from people handing me things. Easy teachers don't make for high NCLEX scores.

What We Are Asking For

Create an Office of the National Nurse to Advocate for, Educate and Empower American Health Care Consumers

Request: Create an Office of the National Nurse to focus on providing all Americans with preventive health care resources.
The office is necessary to acknowledge the critical role nurses play in hands-on patient care and education. The Office of the National Nurse would provide Americans with the tools to prevent disease and effectively manage chronic illness thereby reducing utilization of health care resources. The National Nurse will oversee state coordinators who will assemble nurse teams to provide screening, education and referral services in their communities.

Nurses treat people in their response to wellness, disease or injury and do this through collaboration with physicians and other health care service providers. The Office of the National Nurse will function similarly in a complementary role with the Office of the Surgeon General and other current agencies providing health care services.

Background: There are 44 million uninsured Americans and millions more are underinsured, leaving large gaps in people's access to primary and preventive care services. Americans who are insured may have limited understanding of the importance of primary or preventive health care services. Nurses know the importance of outreach and integrating patient and family education into their care for every patient. Studies demonstrate that when nurses provide early intervention, educate and work closely with patients, patients require fewer hospital and emergency care visits. (Palmer, Appleton, Rodrigues, 2003; Cherry, Moffatt, Rodriguez & Dryden, 2002) Nurses overseeing and promoting preventative care will decrease the need for hospitalizations, thereby reducing utilization of Medicare and Medicaid dollars. (Collins & Wadhwa, 2005) Ultimately, fewer nurses would be needed to provide "sick care" at the hospital or nursing home bedside, thus lessening the impact of the current nursing shortage.

Community based nurse led health services focusing on identification and early intervention have been shown to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospitals, reduce length of stay of necessary hospital admissions, and improve patients' ability to function while enjoying a higher quality of life. (Young, 2005)

There are 2.7 million nurses who work on the front lines in the United States health care system. Even though they are one of the largest groups of health care service providers in the nation, nurses hold too few positions of influence to have a national large-scale impact on the nation's health. The Office of the National Nurse integrates Nursing's Agenda for the Future (2002) as proposed by nineteen national nursing associations and organizations that call for an improvement of the image and value of the nursing profession. The activities of the Office, as well as the National Nurse, will fulfill this objective by portraying nursing as a nationally respected and valued career.

Also in Nursing's Agenda for the Future (2002)one of the objectives calls for achieving nursing's desired future state by creating "a process that provides for ongoing communication, collaboration, support and monitoring of the overall plan activities within the nursing community and among other health professions, the health care industry, and health care consumers."(p.9)

Plan: Create an Office of the National Nurse to promote and coordinate opportunities for the nation's registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to collaborate in community-based Nurse Teams. Nurse Teams will utilize the traditional nursing approach that focuses on assessing the individual's overall physical and mental state of health and working with the patient to achieve a positive outcome in accessing health services.

The Nurse Teams will be responsible for the implementation of four educational programs per year which have been identified by the National Nurse through collaboration with the Surgeon General's office and other members of the health professions, including but not limited to members of the nursing and medical professions, pharmacists, nutritionists, health educators, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, pharmaceutical companies and hospital associations.

These programs will occur nationwide simultaneously to raise awareness and increase participation. For instance, if obesity/diabetes screening is the top national health priority, then the National Nurse would direct the State Coordinators who would direct their Nursing Teams in presenting the educational program in churches, supermarkets, schools, senior centers, libraries and other accessible locations in their communities. Any licensed nurse in the country would be allowed to receive training to participate and these educational programs will be designed to reach every American instead of a targeted population.

State Nurse Teams will include nurses prepared at all educational levels and will represent diverse populations. Programs will foremost focus on keeping Americans healthy by providing education about how identify their individual wellness needs, understand how to access available health services, and how to navigate the myriad of choices to better care for themselves.

Programs will improve quality of care by helping identify the special needs of communities including but not limited to geriatric and culturally diverse populations. As members of their community, nurses are better able to identify and target the diverse needs of the patients they serve.

The Office of the National Nurse, as a center, will share and disseminate information and collect data from the Nursing Teams to assist government agencies such as the CDC with their ongoing research. The Nurse Teams will focus on educating Americans using "best practices" to improve their health while reducing costs.

Nurses identified as "experts" from the National Nurse Teams will present one health education topic to the American people each week. The expert is defined as a nurse who has the educational background and practice experience to represent the health topic information to be delivered. These weekly educational pieces will be available for broadcast and on the Internet in different languages to reach America's diverse population. The goal is to create the most massive community outreach ever conducted by nurses.


The National Nurse will serve as spokesperson, publicizing the distinct role of nursing, and encouraging nurses to become involved in grassroots activities and educating the American public about the services provided by the Office. Educating the public about nursing's pivotal role in health care will be basic to involving nurses in health care policy formulation and in key business decisions that affect nursing's future." (Nursing's Agenda for the Future, 2002, p 10)

The National Nurse will be responsible for collaborating with members of the nursing community and other health care providers to determine priorities for the National Nurse Teams' community-based programs.

The National Nurse will identify state coordinators for each of the states that will be responsible for ensuring the volunteer activity is disseminated to the grassroots level.

Through the Office of the National Nurse, nurses from around the country will sign up indicating the state they are licensed from and their willingness to serve on a Nurse Team in their community.

The National Nurse will choose an expert nurse to address the nation via a public service announcement on pertinent health care topics.

The National Nurse will actively recruit qualified individuals into the profession and encourage nurses to become nurse educators through media campaigns and public appearances.

The National Nurse will work with other interested persons and departments to promote policy that would improve the nation's health.

The Office of the National Nurse will collect data to demonstrate the success of the National Nurse Team activities.

Sabtu, 12 November 2005

A Paper and a Picture

I am writing the most inane paper.

My "Nursing as a Profession" course is exactly what it sounds: a class that studies why the career is a profession rather than simply a job. We read long chapters about the history and legalities of nursing, and compose over-researched essays on pretentious topics. Right now I have to write a two page, APA-perfect paper about a professional organization. I've chosen to do mine on the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) because I'm already a member. Usually when writing people complain about having to spread a little information out over several pages, right? Oh no; this one is a burden because I don't know how I'll ever fit all the criteria into so little space. I loathe this assignment far more than my "Definition of Nursing" paper from a few weeks ago. Despite having many resources, I feel like I haven't made any progress all day.

Hence this blog entry. I love to take a break.

I find my mind drifting to other things NSNA related. For example: I've finally finished my shirt designs for the school's SNA chapter. I think these designs are much more interesting than the huge school seal they've had on their backs for the last couple years. Apparently our SNA has gotten itself in trouble in the past for having questionable phrases on previous shirts. Things like "Not Tonight, I Have Clinicals". I think its hilarious personally, and not nearly so bad as some of the things we've seen at the national conventions (One group had shirts saying "Palpate THIS". If only someone walked by our Dean in one of those, hoooo boy.)

I think they turned out quite well, don't you? Sorry about the watermarks.

After I'm done with the paper, I have to study for a test on Monday. It's in Health Assessment, one of my B classes. Being the grade-obsessor I am, I'm certain I'll end up barricading myself in the room with my books until midnight. (Emerging perhaps only for Starbucks?) I can't wait until Monday as over, since after that I'll have nothing major left to do before Thanksgiving break. There IS a Thursday test in Foundations, but that class is always a breeze. Then, I can't wait to climb in the car and head up to Memphis for family, food, and fun. Thanksgiving is wonderful.

I love to take a break.

Kamis, 10 November 2005

Foley Catheterization, Genitals, and Social Rules

Before we can dress, administer, or insert anything in the hospital, we must pass a clinical checkoff. Today I had a practical examination in Foley catheterization. (For those of you who don't know what that is, it's where you insert a tube into the bladder. Through the urethra. Yowza.)

The labs are filled with these pathetic looking dummies students can use to practice everything on. I say pathetic because they look worse than many of the vegetative patients I've seen in the hospitals; their plastic bodies have interchangeable parts for just about every ailment possible. You can even swap out genitals, which amuses me to no end, so today I inserted a Foley tube into a somewhat disturbing labia mold. Disturbing because the urethra was very exaggerated for easy learning, which is NOT the case in the real world. (Where the hell is the hole?)

I'm not someone who balks at nudity. (As a 96 year old woman once said to me, "If you have something I've never seen before I WANNA SEE IT.")
But I'm also not someone who thinks you can totally objectify something like this. For example: sometimes when inserting Foleys in males you can first inject this numbing gel inside the urethra. Only problem is this: you have to hold it there for five minutes. My instructor said "I've never done the gel thing, probably because I'm not one for small talk". Honestly, what do you say to someone while you hold on and wait for the stuff to kick in?

It always amazes me how willing people are to get naked for you once you wear a hospital uniform. I've had a good number of patients sofar this semester, and not a one objected to me lifting their shirts to listen to their chest, or helping them put on clean undies and a gown. Of course, they have no reason to worry about me seeing them naked; I am a professional. I'm going to see a million before I'm done. But what is it that makes them trust me with their body more than they would any other stranger? Surely it isn't the purple uniform... though I'm certain they'd be more uneasy if I was there wearing jeans and a tee-shirt.

We build up the most interesting environmental associations. Being in a certain setting, playing a certain role, and wearing a certain costume makes all the social rules change. Sometimes the roles can be de-humanizing (people expect super-human responses to their problems, especially from doctors). When someone fails while playing their role, we are disillusioned and disappointed with the role (profession!) as a whole, and not just the offending individual.

This is why I try very hard not to laugh at the plastic genitals of the practice dummies when I'm in the lab, less I undermine my professionalism. But another part of me sees that professionalism is a function of context. Objective detachment is a function of one's role. And though nursing is arguably something that becomes ingrained in one's very identity... I AM still a student.

So. Between you and me, I am seriously considering turning all the "parts" upside down one day. Just to see if anyone notices. I have the serious suspicion the instructors would find it hilarious. For all the roleplay, nurses aren't as stuffy as people think. So long as no one is watching. ^_~

Selasa, 08 November 2005

I thought this was going to be a documentary

..but it is far too sparse to provide any accurate picture of what it is to be a nursing student.

Or perhaps, maybe this is the perfect example of what nursing school is... I am so busy, I am unable to find time for even the smallest tasks like blogging.

Today is a Tuesday, which means I must prepare my preclinical paperwork before going to the hospital at 0630 tomorrow. If I want to give a medicine, I must construct a "drug card" detailing the drug's action, effects, side effects, safe dosage level, half-life, nursing implications, etc. Today I (somewhat masochistically) picked a patient with no less than 17 different medications I am able to give. Quite a cocktail, that bunch. Needless to say, I'm going to be really really busy for the next seven hours.

I was set back in time a little bit by a random drug screen today. Once a semester we have to pay $30 to pee in a cup. Failure means dismissal from the program, but I'm beginning to think that it is more for money than to assure quality service. $30! Yeesh! Life is expensive.

Time to study. Good luck with your own studies, everyone.

Please Sign Up For Our Newsletter

The National Nurse Team would like to encourage all website visitors to sign up to receive our newsletter. This is a way you can find out the very latest news about pending legislation, new supporters, and published articles.

For those of you new to the website, here is a short list of what the Office of the National Nurse will accomplish:

* Collaborate with members of the health care team to determine the health care agenda for America.
* Participate each week with an expert nurse to address the entire nation, not just a targeted population, on ways to prevent disease and promote health (for instance, how to have a healthy heart or strategies to prevent diabetes).
* Utilize the Internet to make the above information available in multiple languages to reach our diverse population.
* Encourage every nurse licensed in the U.S. (there are presently 2.7 million nurses) to volunteer to be a member of a National Nurse Team in their own community.
* Organize and promote four nationwide health education days per year that will be coordinated and delivered by the National Nurse Teams in every city and town across America.
* Build an infrastructure of ready available nursing teams that could assist during the time of a national disaster/epidemic.
* Give public recognition to the work nurses do every day and help stem the nursing shortage by attracting others to the profession.

Jumat, 04 November 2005

Be Aware and Prepared

Last Wednesday, Portland Community College nursing faculty and students participated in the Washington County Public Health preparedness exercise. The objective was to practice dispensing medications/vaccinations to community members as efficiently and quickly as possible. Should there ever be any type of communicable disease event where this action would be warranted, the public would then be notified (TV, radio, internet) with instructions of where to go to receive treatment. The county health department along with first responders ran this event. M n Ms were dispensed, either plain or peanut. Again, one wonders if real vaccinations were needed, would there be enough nurses ready in a very short period of time to help? This is another reason why we need an Office of the National Nurse, with National Nurse Team members in every community who could immediately respond to provide the best possible care to all Americans

Rabu, 02 November 2005

Special Announcement

The National Nurse Team supports the extraordinary efforts of the Center for Nursing Advocacy in their plight to have released from prison five Bulgarian nurses and one Palestinian physician. These healthcare providers have been wrongfully accused and imprisoned. If they are not released by November 15, they face execution by firing squad. Please learn the details of this travesty and join Center for Nursing Advocacy's letter writing campaign to free these innocent victims of political pandemonium. Visit www.nursingadvocacy.org/news/news.html for more details.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2005

Introducing National Nurse Team Member Terri Polick

As a child growing up in Iowa, Terri Polick learned the importance of neighbors helping neighbors. That’s why she supports the establishment of the Office of the National Nurse. Terri grew up in a family of nurses. She remembers the stories her family members told her about their nursing practice and how they helped people in their community; the nervous new mother who worried about her baby’s diaper rash, the woman down the road suffering from “the grip,” and the elderly man dying at home, surrounded by his family. Their stories about caring for others inspires Terri today. Every American deserves a nurse. When the Office of National Nurse becomes a reality, nurses from around the country will be given the opportunity to do what we do best—help their neighbors lead happier and healthier lives.


National Nurse Proponent Teri Mills has been honored by being selected as a 2005 recipient of the Oregon Center for Nursing's Florence Nightingale Medallion. Ms. Mills, a respected and popular instructor of nursing at Portland Community College, was presented with the medallion during a faculty meeting.

She was further recognized at the college's Pinning Ceremony for the Nursing Class of 2005. At that ceremony, Teri was thanked publicly for bringing honor to the college and the profession of nursing, and for, in the words of Florence Nightingale herself, "distilling thoughts into actions that bring results."

Thank you, Teri, for your untiring efforts to inspire your students and to enhance and uplift the profession of nursing.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2005

Rutland Herald Letter To The Editor

Hooray for these Vermont nurses!!!

Nurses don't ask for gifts

October 29, 2005
Many of you in the Rutland community may have recently received a letter from the chief nursing officer of Rutland Regional Medical Center, asking you for a donation to the "Honor a Rutland Regional Medical Center Nurse" program. The donations are reportedly being placed in a fund for nursing education and for upgrades in patient equipment. The letter encourages you — our patients and your families — to send a donation for this fund in honor of "our remarkable nurses at Rutland Regional Medical Center whose compassion and professionalism have impressed you and is worthy of recognition," as stated by the chief nursing officer of RRMC.

Let it be known that many nurses at RRMC apologize for this letter you received. We had no knowledge of the letter's existence; nor did we have knowledge of the stated fund's existence. Many of our colleagues, neighbors, and family members received these letters, and this is how the RRMC nurses learned that our patients were being asked for donations in our names.

We do not question the intentions of our chief nursing officer in sending you the letter you received. We know that her intentions were not to upset the RRMC nurses, and certainly not the community. However, we would like our patients and their families to know that we do not approve of asking you for monetary donations to show your gratitude for what we do. Had we known about these letters before they were sent out, we would have voiced our disapproval.

We would like you, our patients, to know that your kind words, your cards and letters, your smiles, and your thank-yous that you give to us, far exceed any monetary donations we would receive for showing us the recognition for a job well done. We, as nurses, strive to maintain our professionalism, and we feel that requesting donations from you is not acting in a professional manner. For those of you who already have sent a donation to this fund, we sincerely thank you. However, we want you to know that the nurses who cared for you were very aware of your gratitude before you even left the hospital, as we are for all of our patients.

Once again, we apologize for the letter you received in the mail. We do not condone asking you to fund our profession, our continuing education, or any other professional endeavor we may take on. We love being nurses, and we have a deep compassion for those we nurse. This is gratifying enough for us.



(Sixteen additional nurses also signed this letter.)

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2005

Support the National Nurse Campaign

Please consider purchasing a button, magnet, bumper sticker, mug, mouse pad, or poster for yourself or your favorite nurse when you begin your holiday shopping. You will be helping to spread the word about the National Nurse Campaign.

This merchandise is for sale at www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse

We will be introducing Terri Polick to you in our next post and also plan to let you know about some exciting support we received this past week.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2005

Meet Members of the National Nurse Team

Team member Alisa Schneider
with Teri Mills in Washington, DC

Alisa Schneider, RN, MSN, CNE
Joining the Team
After living in beautiful Alexandria, Virginia the past five years I experienced a strong pull to return home to Oregon. My work in Virginia focused on improving the voice nurses have in influencing health care policy as so many times these decisions are made without the insight of a nurse. Because I believe the nurse's primary role is to advocate for people who cannot advocate for themselves or who do not have adequate information to make reasonable health decisions, it is imperative that nurses take an active leading role at the policy shaping table. Now, although leaving my work in Virginia was very difficult, immediately upon my return I was reminded that like tall pines, innovative ideas continue to grow in Oregon. I joined the National Nurse Team and now I find myself among the most energized team of nurses, educators, and supporters ever; and this energy is focused around influencing health policy with a practical idea for improving the health of the country-The Office of the National Nurse.

Health Care Costs are Illness Care Costs.
Too many Americans have to live without health care services due to rising costs, and there will be no quick or easy fix for this growing problem. Prevention of illness is going to be our best defense against the rising costs of health care. In order to focus the country on the value of preventive practices it must be made a priority for our government, health care providers, and the American public. The Office of the National Nurse would support that focus by providing access to education on health issues for all Americans. Nurses consistently rank higher in public trust than other health service providers, so information and clarification about preventive health practices would likely be better received from nurses than other providers.

Along with preventing illness is the need for this country to effectively respond to large scale emergency situations so those at risk do not become ill or injured from lack of adequate response. The Office of the National Nurse provides a system of providing credentialed nursing teams who work in their community, identify those community members at highest risk, and preplan for their needs in the event of an emergency. Imagine if we had only had these teams available in the Gulf region, many more lives would have been saved and many nurses who worked until they could no longer, would have had back up relief.

The Road to Prevention
The National Nurse Team has been working hard to get the message out about the need the Office would fill. It has been made easier by all the support from a growing grass-roots effort, but policy influencing requires many, many supporters sharing their voice. In order to help in this effort, I want to urge you first to take a walk every day, then take a minute out of your day and :
1-Write a personal letter of support to your Representative or Senator.
2. Call the nursing organizations you belong to and tell their leaders you support legislation for a National Nurse.
3. Encourage nursing organizations/groups/individuals to write their own letters of support to Rep. Lois Capps.
4. Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers and nursing journals you subscribe to.
5. Purchase buttons and bumper stickers at www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse
6. Donate color Xerox printing for the National Nurse informational packets-drop Teri an email if you can help with this.
7. Sign up to receive the National Nurse newsletter at www.nationalnurse.blogspot.com
8. Write Teri at teri@nationalnurse.info with your comments, suggestions, and ideas.

It would be my pleasure to hear your ideas or talk with you about the initiative!
Look for future postings of "Meet Members" for an introduction to team member Terri Polick!

Alisa Schneider with team member Terri Polick
in Washington, DC.

National Nurse Team Featured on Portland Community College's Website

Two members of the National Nurse Team, Alisa Schneider and Teri Mills are featured on the Portland Community College website- www.pcc.edu

Here's a short list of what the proposed legislation an Office of the National Nurse will accomplish:

1. Give public recognition to the work nurses do every day and help stem
the nursing shortage by attracting others to the profession.
2. Collaborate with members of the health care team to determine the
health care agenda for America.
3. Participate each week with an expert nurse to address the entire
nation, not just a targeted population, on ways to prevent disease and
promote health (for instance, how to have a healthy heart or strategies
to prevent diabetes).
4. Utilize the Internet to make the above information available in
multiple languages to reach our diverse population.
5. Encourage every nurse licensed in the U.S. (there are presently 2.7
million nurses) to volunteer to be a member of a National Nurse Team in
their own community.
6. Organize and promote four nationwide health education days per year
that will be coordinated and delivered by the National Nurse Teams in
every city and town across America.
7. Build an infrastructure of ready available nursing teams that could
assist during the time of a national disaster/epidemic.

Please add your name to the petition to create an Office of the National Nurse and sign up to receive our newsletter.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2005

National Nurse Proposal Hits AFT National

AFT National met the National Nurse Team during its June visit to Washington D.C. We remain in contact with them as we continue to move our proposal for a National Nurse forward. This probably is difficult to read but if you would like to receive a copy, please drop Teri an email at teri@nationalnurse.info

Senin, 03 Oktober 2005

Katrina’s First Responders Need Our Help

As many of you know, the nation demonstrated an outpouring of support and gratitude for our first responders and their families after 9/11. We should do no less for those who stayed behind and cared for our fellow Americans in their time of need. The sad truth is 50 percent of Biloxi’s firefighters, nurses, EMTS, and police lost their homes and remained separated from their families to help others, and the same is true for a shocking 80 percent in New Orleans.

Now it is our turn to help these inspirational and committed Americans.

Please write your tax deductible check payable to First Responders Relief Fund and mail it to First Responders Foundation 545 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10017

The National Nurse Team extends their appreciation to you and we will be writing another update on our own activities soon.

Rabu, 28 September 2005

Clinicals with a Side of Philosophy

I walked into the room to find a large woman sitting up in a reclining chair. I introduced myself and she immediately told me how she hadn't slept very well that night. It had been difficult for her to become comfortable. She was in the hospital because she had fallen a few days before, and lay on the floor for over seventeen hours before she was found. She was "sore all over". She wanted to go home.

They were keeping her there for observation: making sure she was eating and drinking, watching over her so she wouldn't fall again as her muscles recovered from the strain... you know the drill. (Hospitals like observing people.) That day she was scheduled for a stress test, and she bemoaned the fact that she wasn't allowed to eat anything until it was over. She was more than eager to discuss her many pains.

I did my basic health assessments. It's like a game of twenty questions. Twenty times twenty! During musculoskeletal evaluations I saw she had some limitation to her range of motion. (I think this is just because she was in pain from the fall, mostly. I know I would be if I was stuck for so long.)

After I found her a pillow for her legs, transport arrive to take her to the stress test. The nuclear medicine nurse proceeded to scare the daylights out of my patient by describing the potential side effects of an adenosine injection. I asked my patient what she was thinking about while we waited, and she revealed to me her deep-seated fear of "drugs". She didn't trust medicine... especially the kind she didn't understand. I re-explained the procedure, and she didn't seem nearly as worried. That made me happy.

I mentioned she was a large woman. It wasn't exactly easy to get her onto the scanning table. She moaned when she had to lay flat on her back (remember, the fall), and had a great deal of trouble getting her arms up. You're supposed to lie with them behind your head... but she could hardly bring them past eye-level. With nothing to rest her hands on, she was distraught. So I stood behind her, and held her arms up for her.

I didn't have much success supporting her. The angle was all wrong, and anyone who knows me personally knows my arms are like two noodles. I apologized to her. "Sorry I can't do anything more to support your arms."

And she said "That's okay. You're giving me courage."

When I started nursing school, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I'm someone who was born with too many interests and too many talents: I can't focus on anything! I stumbled into Nursing because it was some kind of mind-body-spirit breakfast blend... something to make me enough money to chase my dreams. Something to fill the time until I figure out what I'm supposed to do with myself.

But I'm thinking that maybe... maybe this IS what I'm supposed to do. All the time I am finding more reasons to believe that this path is the Good Path. My Path.

I've always known that a career doesn't really define who I am. Everyone has things they want to do better and worse, potentials they've not yet achieved, dreams they've not yet realized. But...when I'm standing there in the hospital with my coat and clipboard... I feel like who I am is both amplified and simplified.

I feel like nothing is being wasted.

Selasa, 27 September 2005

Practicum #1

Today was my first practicum in health assessment.

The exam consisted of walking into a room containing my instructor and lab partner. I then roll-played as if this were a real examination scenario, assessing more than seventy different required points from memory. Each of those items is a single point, and documentation is 25 points, so missing anything can be detrimental to the grade. The instructor held a long checklist and furiously made marks on it as I talked.

Good thing I nailed it. Despite my fever.

The secret was to memorize a script of things to say and do in the evaluation that touched on every required aspect. I knew everything about my partner from our previous practice sessions, so things went smoothly.

Hopefully I'll make a high A on the test... if my instructor can figure out how to use Blackboard. She is awesome, but not so tech-saavy.

Senin, 26 September 2005

Support the National Nurse Proposal

Looking for ways to help make the Office of the National Nurse a reality? Here is what you can do to help:

1. Write a personal letter of support to your members of Congress.

2. Call the nursing organizations you belong to and tell their leaders you support legislation for a National Nurse.

3. Encourage nursing organizations/groups/individuals to write their own letters of support to Rep. Lois Capps.

4. Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers and nursing journals you subscribe to.

5. Purchase buttons and bumper stickers at www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse

6. Donate color Xerox printing for the National Nurse informational packets-drop Teri an email if you can help with this.

7. Sign up to receive the National Nurse newsletter at www.nationalnurse.blogspot.com

8. Write Teri at teri@nationalnurse.info with your comments, suggestions, and ideas.

Picture-PCC Nursing Students, Class of 2006

A long weekend

Friday's Pathophysiology class convened late and got out early because of the coming hurricane.

The power went out all weekend.

When it came back on, I logged into Blackboard to discover all NSU campuses are closed Monday.

I'm enjoying my unexpected holiday! (...mostly by preparing for practicum exams)

Kamis, 22 September 2005

Nursing Fundamentals and Lab

Thursdays focus more on developing hand-on skills. Morning lecture relates various safety risks and complications patients can experience. Afternoon lab applies those ideas. Today the big topic was mobility, so we spent the afternoon hefting people from beds to stretchers and back, and lifting each other into wheelchairs. I actually enjoy Thursdays a little because they're not critical thinking courses. I get a little break from the "assess assess assess" part of nursing and concentrate on the physical activities.

Before lab began I actually took a test on putting on sterile gloves. There's this way you have took hook your hand along the inside and not allow the sterile and non-sterile fields to touch... it was easy. Those are the kinds of tests I want to take every time. The next practical exam I have to take in that class involves reading a chart and drawing up medicine, then injecting it. It's good, since once you understand all the rules, you're pretty much set. Little study involved.

Of course, my break didn't extend into the evening. I still had paperwork left to do from Wednesday. Every part of our clinical experience is painstakingly documented on all kinds of forms. Skin, hair, nails, musculoskeletal system, pain... and every week we add something to keep track of. By the end of the year I'll be carrying "Patho" and "Drug" cards describing everything wrong with the patient, what all their meds do, and all the potential complications, interactions, and interventions I need to be aware of in order to best serve them. Which is as it should be, nurses need to understand disease. But it amounts to a lot of busywork.

Class may or may not be cancelled tomorrow. Hurricane Rita is bearing down on us all, and the slightest bit of wind here seems to knock the power out for a week. So we'll just see what happens. If I lose power, I'll probably not post for a while.

Rabu, 21 September 2005

Clinicals, Week 1

Today was my first day on the hospital floor. My lab partner Cris and I were assigned a ninety-eight year old woman from a nursing home down south: one of the Katrina evacuees. (HIPAA forbids me talk about her particular condition, so I can't tell you why she was there or anything. Even though I doubt anyone would sue over it; it's nothing too unusual.)

As a new student I was not responsible for anything like medications or IV fluids; mostly we provided her with AM care. Feeding, bathing, linens, diapers, skin care and assessment.

After feeding my patient, I told her "You ate more than usual today. Good job." She didn't understand me, and her eyes got wide. "You think I'm gonna die?" she blubbered. "No! You're doing just fine!" I said.
Later I told her we were going to check her skin. "We're just going to look at you".
Her eyes widened again. "But I don't wanna go!"
"You're not going anywhere! I'm just going to look at your arm now."

She was confused by the evacuation, I think.

I felt a great deal of sympathy for this woman when I held her hand and spoon fed her processed meat and eggs. Her hands were smooth like my mother's... smooth like my grandmother's were before she died. Its true that old people can be burdensome. Its true that some lack cognition. But underneath that I constantly see these very fragile beings, full of fear and confusion. Just wanting someone to take some time with them.

I wish there was more I could do to comfort her.

Oh, for the record, I did change a diaper today. I thought it was going to be more traumatizing than it actually was. That summer working in the daycare has already acquainted me with poop of all forms, so this little old lady's output was nothing to frighten me.

Good thing I'm an optimist. :P

Selasa, 20 September 2005

Assessment Lab... and Rest

Tuesdays only officially have class until noon, but that is so students will have time to research their clinical assignments for Wednesday. In the future I will be assigned a patient the day before reaching the hospital, and will be expected to know everything pertaining to this person's disease and treatments before setting foot on the floor. For now, I don't have to worry about that, since all I'm allowed to do at the moment is give baths and change linens. Next week, I'll be able to take vitals and do skin assessments, and test range of motion. So the intense study begins next week. Today I can take a breather.

I still have to get up at 0515 though.

Senin, 19 September 2005

Health Assessment and the Student Nursing Association

Health Assessment

The faculty was kind enough to schedule Monday classes at 10 am rather than 9. Perhaps they felt it would make up for our early Wednesdays at the hospital. I was thankful for the extra hour of sleep. Although... I'd almost rather go ahead and get up at 9 for the extra hour of lecture. Health Assessment has been crammed into a two hour block once a week... and we might just need that extra time.

Nursing school is infamous for test questions asking "Which of the following would you do FIRST?" Vocabulary, structure, and function are taken for granted; you will not be tested on the normal lab values or definitions of diseases. You are given scenarios. Hypothetical cases. You're asked to assess the person completely, and relate a nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan. My Monday Health Assessment class focuses on the many, many variables a nurse should consider in patient care. Practicum exams involve going into a room and noticing every detail of that long list for the patient, then returning to an empty room to document each finding from memory.

In essence, the purpose of nursing school is to make you obscenely observant.

My first Health Assessment exam is in two weeks, and will cover 270 pages of material. That's about a third of the textbook.
Thankfully I've kept up with the weekly assignments, and have read all 12 of those chapters. But I'm still a little anxious about the upcoming test. The grade scale is such that you must make at least an 80% to pass. I've already taken an exam in two other subjects thusfar (and scored 96 and 90, an A and B). But this class is supposed to be "the hard one". I've already started reviewing the material.

SNA Meeting

I joined the Student Nurses Association, and was glad to attend their first meeting of the year this afternoon. It was during lunch break, so they thankfully fed us free sandwiches. A better meal than I would have time to acquire myself. So far this whole pre-professional organization thing looks promising.

SNA apparently sends students nursing journals as part of their membership: reason enough to join. But they also focus on several community service projects throughout the year. They talked about making shoebox care packages to Katrina victims today, which is a nice idea. I am apparently designing the T-shirt for this year, so hopefully I'll be able to come up with something interesting in the next few days.

I'm looking forward to becoming more actively involved at school this year. I've been a pretty lazy college student up until now; even though I am completely capable of leading, I often don't volunteer for projects. Since I've been spending such a ridiculous amount of time up at the school lately, I've started to feel pride in my alma mater and degree. I want to be in SNA... maybe even in SGA too. I want to be involved in campus policy and in helping the community under NSU's name.

(I'll be honest. I've never really thought much of the main campus because of its lower standards. Now that I'm in the next tier of students... now that I've seen that there are plenty of intelligent, dedicated students and faculty in this college... I'm proud to be a Demon. )

(Who'd have ever thought? )

Sabtu, 17 September 2005

Saturday CPR Class

CPR mannequins creep me out.

The soft, silicon faces can be detached and swapped out for each student so that no two people have to share saliva when they practice rescue breathing. When I walked into the room this morning I found a pile of them on the table. Here's a couple pictures I took with my phone:

That one is me holding the adult face in front of my own. These things look like something you'd see in a horror movie. Spooky.

As a health care professional, it makes sense for me to learn basic life support. I've earned a card from the Red Cross in the past, but the school requires our training come from the American Heart Association. There are minor differences between the two programs, but they still amount to the same thing: several hours of watching videos and pumping the chests of armless, legless dolls.

I think my favorite part of the entire certification process was the AED machine. AED's weren't part of the program the last time I did CPR training, but I'm glad they've come into common use. The thing is essentially a talking, idiot-proof ECG + defibrillator that calculates when and how hard to shock a person in cardiac arrest. Technology is a beautiful thing.

I won't have to renew my certification for another year now, which is good because no one likes an early Saturday class. To reward myself for a hard week of work, I went to Coldstone for some icecream. I was pretty disappointed that blueberry is no longer the flavor of the month, but chocolate mint served me just as well.

Only one test and two practicums to study for next week. It'll be nice to have the break.

Jumat, 16 September 2005


I had the idea to start writing this a few weeks ago, but only found a free moment today.

It's been almost a month since the semester started, so you've already missed out on quite a few things. I've purchased scrubs, taken exams, and walked around my hospital floor. I've visited with nursing home residents. I've learned how to take blood pressure. I've spent more hours reading textbooks than ever before in my college career.

These days I'm waking up between 0530 and 0700. After classes I study in the library. I have established a routine, and all before you met me. We have a lot of catching up to do.

Instead of trying to cram everything into one post, I'll just fill you in as we go. More fun for both of us that way. Look for updates each weekday around 4-5 PM, CST (I'll be in the library after class anyway. Might as well wind down by telling you how it went.) For now, its definitely bedtime. Mandatory Saturday class tomorrow on CPR from 9-5. Hopefully no one tries to give me mouth to mouth.

Senin, 12 September 2005

Newsletter: September 12, 2005

Dear National Nurse Supporters:

As promised here is our report from our trip Washington, DC. We had meetings with The American Organization of Nurse Executives, The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing, and The Center for American Progress. We were also able to brief the Democratic National Committee, Nurse Admiral Mary Pat Couig, The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, The Center for Health Transformation and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

Additionally we made contact with many other nursing and health care leaders to introduce the initiative. Thank you to all those who took time out from their busy work schedules and for giving us their attention in this difficult time when most of Washington, DC is focusing on helping Hurricane Katrina survivors.

During our meetings there were many good questions asked, suggestions given, and ideas shared. Above all the nursing organizations were concerned about the logistics of the Office, and how it will be funded. We will take back everything that was shared as we continue to move the initiative forward.

Where do we go from here?

As we wait for the bill to be dropped we would appreciate:
· Letters of support written to the organizations you belong to.
· Letters to the editor of your local newspapers and nursing journals you subscribe to.
· Purchase a button or bumper sticker at www.cafepress.com/nationalnurse to increase awareness
· Encourage others to sign up for the newsletter at www.nationalnurse.info

Our immediate plans include:
· Adding a link to the website which outlines the proposal.
· Submitting abstracts to nursing and health care conferences to continue to educate nurses and others about the initiative.

Please continue to E-mail us with comments and questions!

Teri Mills, Terri Polick, and Alisa Schneider
The National Nursing Network Organization

“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”
- Florence Nightingale

Sabtu, 03 September 2005

Making A Difference

Today, I was asked by my good friend, David Salie, to host a house party to raise money for Hurricane Katrina survivors. The day for these nationwide events takes place when we will be flying back from WA DC. However, I told David I would be honored to host a virtual party-no party, but plenty of relief.
We are asking for donations to four reputable charities, all which can be made on line-simply click and you too will be making a difference. That is all we are asking for and please know how much we appreciate your contributions.

Kamis, 01 September 2005

Our Hearts Go Out To Katrina's Survivors

We continue to hear more stories from Katrina's survivors, including the nurses who are working overtime to make sure thier patients receive care. With little food, no electricity, and a vast body of filthy water surrounding them, these nurses have stayed with their patients and are among the heroes as this crisis continues. I keep thinking what it would be like if we had an Office of the National Nurse in place. As the draft language for the bill stands now, each state would have a coordinator as well as numerous volunteer Nursing Teams with their contact information. These teams could have been easily put into place to help give relief to the nurses giving hour after hour of care. Even though the CDC and Public Health Services Commission are doing everything they can to help, it is each community's own first responders who know their people and their needs the best. I cannot emphasize once more how important an Office of the National Nurse could be for our country.

Next week, Alisa Schneider, Terri Polick, and I will be meeting with nursing and other health care leaders in WA DC to present information about pending legislation for a National Nurse. We will be writing a newsletter to report our progress, so be sure to sign up to receive one.

For a first hand report from a nurse in New Orleans, click on the title to read this heartbreaking story.

Our prayers and thoughts are with Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2005

Member's National Nurse Idea Could Bring A "Pound of Cure"

Health care in America is in crisis. But Teri Mills, a nurse practitioner, and a nursing instructor at Portland Community College, believes her campaign for appointment of a "National Nurse' is a step toward finding a solution. To read more, please visit AFT Oregon's website.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2005

National Nurse Buttons and Bumper Stickers For Sale

We now have National Nurse buttons, bumper stickers and buttons for sale at Cafe Press. Please buy one for yourself and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2005

National Nurse Network Organization

Thanks to the generosity of Dennis Smith and the Foundation for American Firefighters, we have officially begun our Campaign For A National Nurse. Smith says the Office of the National Nurse is a significant contribution to nurses and America's health and he commends our efforts.

We hope to soon have buttons and bumper stickers for sale at Cafe Press and we will post this information when it becomes available.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2005

Call for A National Nurse

Few would argue that this nation's health and health care system is, quite simply, a mess. In less than 9 years, health care in the United States is projected to cost $3.6 trillion or about 19% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Insurance costs throughout the country are skyrocketing, prescription drugs are unaffordable, there is a severe shortage of nurses, and individual health is worsening. Recent research studies have shown a significant increase in obesity among America's children and adults, which leads to major health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

One of the most effective ways to reduce health care costs and keep our families healthy is to educate people about how to take better care of themselves, thereby decreasing the necessity of having to seek care in the first place. There are 2.7 million nurses who work on the front lines in the United States' health care system. We must find a way to empower them and enhance their role. Nurses are uniquely qualified to provide education to the public in order to decrease our dependence on a health care system that is not only expensive but at times inaccessible, especially for those without health insurance or who live in rural areas.

Not only do nurses have years of education and experience; these men and women are considered the most honest, ethical and trusted professionals, according to a recent Gallup poll. It is the nurse the patient trusts to explain the care and treatments ordered by his or her health care provider. It is the nurse who teaches a new mother and father how to bathe and feed their newborn. It is the nurse who explains how to provide comfort measures to a family member whose loved one is dying.

Meanwhile, the Surgeon General is invisible. If you went to a local supermarket and asked ten customers to name this individual, let alone describe his role, you would be hard pressed to find a single person who could do this.

Therefore, I propose in the strongest possible terms that we establish an Office of the National Nurse. The role of the National Nurse would highlight education through a fifteen-minute weekly presentation broadcast live to the nation, and later be available on the Internet. Experts from each of the fifty states would take turns creating the content and educational materials in English and Spanish. The main emphasis would be on primary prevention and include ways to avoid health problems before they happen; for example, how to have a healthy heart or raise your teenagers without going crazy.

This Office of the National Nurse would affect the population on many levels. Through the Office of the National Nurse, nurses would sign up for a National Nurse Corps with the purpose of organizing and coordinating activities that promote and enhance health in their communities. The Office of the National Nurse would have a legislative component as well, for example, acting as advisors on how to simplify Medicare paperwork or finding solutions to the nursing shortage.

An Office of the National Nurse won't solve all of our country's health care problems. However, allowing America's most trusted, beloved nurses to utilize their education and experience will definitely help improve the situation. Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton would be proud to see America's everyday heroes be re-defined as National Nurses.
 Posted by Picasa

Senin, 04 Juli 2005

Meeting the Honorable Lois Capps and Jeremy Sharp

Over the next several days, I hope to give you an idea of some of the meetings we attended during the National Nurse Team's visit to WA DC.

We spent Tuesday visiting members of the House of Representatives, including the three nurses in Congress. All were aware of the call for a National Nurse and were familiar with my NY Times op/ed, America's Nurse, published on May 20, 2005.

Representative Lois Capps, pictured with this post, is a nurse and an avid supporter of nurses. She leads the Nursing Congressional Caucus. We will be working closely with her health policy aide, Jeremy Sharp as we continue our quest for a National Nurse.

Representative Capps, it turns out has many ties to Portland, Oregon. Her sister even graduated from Portland Community College's Nursing Program where I teach.

In turn, my niece, Lisa, who attends UC Santa Barbara, voted for the Congresswoman during the last election. It was truly an honor to be so well received and exciting that Jeremy Sharp also spent a great deal of his time with us.


(from left) Terri Polick, RN, Roxanne Fulcher, AACC Health Policy Specialist,
Representative Lois Capps (D-CA), Pat Carroll, RN, Teri Mills, RN
Posted by Picasa

Rabu, 29 Juni 2005

National Nurse Team Takes WA DC By Storm

I am in WA DC with my esteemed colleagues, Pat Carroll and Terri Polick. Yesterday, we met with Roxanne Fulcher, Health Policy Specialist from the American Association of Community Colleges, and the four of us spent the day lobbying members of the House to sponsor a bill for an Office of the National Nurse.

Thanks to Roxanne, we were able to meet face to face with Representatives Johnson (TX), Capps (CA), and McCarthy (NY) all nurses!!! They were all excited about the ideas we presented to them and really understand how valuable nurses are to our country.

We also saw Congressman Earl Blumenauer and finally met with the health policy specialist in Congressman David Wu's office.

We will be visiting the Senate today.

As soon as we return home, we promise to post pictures. :-) Stay tuned.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2005

Oregon Nurse Educator Heads Team Lobbying Congress for a National Nurse


Teri Mills, RN, MS, ANP is leading a team of nurses to meet with members of Congress this week to garner support for legislation establishing an Office of the National Nurse. Mills has been working on this concept for three years, but her vision now has nationwide support since her guest editorial calling for an Office of the National Nurse appeared in the national edition of the New York Times on May 20, 2005.

Mills is on the faculty of the nursing program at Portland Community College (Portland, OR) and she maintains her clinical practice as a nurse practitioner during the summer.

Joining Mills are Roxanne Fulcher, the Director of Health Professions Policy at the American Association of Community Colleges; Patricia Carroll RN, MS, an author and health careers educator in Connecticut; and Terri Polick, RN of Maryland.

The National Nurse team is meeting with Mills’ home state US Representatives David Wu (D-OR) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who placed Mills’ guest editorial in the Congressional Record.

They are also meeting with the three US Representatives who are nurses and leaders of the House Nursing Caucus: Lois Capps (D-CA), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY).

Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) welcome the team on June 29th.

Appointments with other Members are pending once scheduling can be confirmed.

Nurses and their supporters across the country believe that establishing this post will ultimately improve the health of our citizens. Patients have always looked to nurses to learn about their condition and treatment plan. The Office of the National Nurse will take education to local communities, teaching people of all ages how to: stay healthy, prevent injuries, recognize early signs of illness, manage chronic conditions, and when to see a health care provider.

Nurses continually top the Gallup Organization’s annual survey on the honesty and ethical standards of the professions, making an Office of the National Nurse an ideal platform from which to drive credible health education.

Mills says, “During a time when healthcare is becoming less affordable and accessible to millions of Americans, it is time for us to look at solutions that will benefit all of us.” In addition, with the ongoing nursing shortage the United States is facing that is expected to worsen in the next decade, Mills explains, “It is important for Americans to understand the critical role of nurses in our health care system and the value of the work they perform. This will encourage others to enter the nursing profession.”

For more information: http://www.nationalnurse.info
When I support Teri's efforts for the office of the National Nurse, I think about this beautiful child, my daughter Emma Maria, and how she deserves the best health care system available to our citizens. Thank you, Teri! We need a National Nurse Corps!

Moses Ross
Portland, OR
 Posted by Hello

Jumat, 17 Juni 2005

2005 PCC Graduates Set to Ease Nursing Shortage
 Posted by Hello

Washington DC Less Than Two Weeks Away

The National Nurse Team is preparing to take Washington DC by storm.

National Nurse Teri from Oregon will be joined by National Nurse Pat from Connecticut and National Nurse Terri from Maryland. We will be accompanied by a member of the American Association of Community Colleges as well.

Slowly but surely, we are drawing in members of Congress and warming them up to the idea that we need an Office of the National Nurse to help promote health and lessen disease and suffering in America.

You can lend us your support by signing our petition-petitiononline.com/rnusa1/petition.html

Kamis, 09 Juni 2005

Teri Is Going To Washington DC

Despite a few setbacks, I will be traveling to Baltimore, MD and then to Washington DC the last week in June. Johnson and Johnson's Dare To Care Program is providing a grant to help pay some of my expenses, and we are hoping that other organizations will be joining in and serving as co-sponsors. During the trip I and members of the National Nurse Team will be meeting with members of Congress to propose an Office of the National Nurse.

Today's Community Newspapers (these are delivered in various cities in the Portland Metropolitan area such as Tigard, Tualatin, Beaverton, and Lake Oswego) featured a story on the National Nurse which actually was quite complimentary. "Prevention is the best way to lower health costs. Who better than nurses to teach people how to do this?" "A National Nurse would give public recognition to the valuable work that nurses perform every day," Mills said.

During my last faculty meeting of the year, I was honored by the Oregon Center for Nursing and presented with a Florence Nightingale medallion for drawing positive attention to nursing and coming up with solutions for America's health care crisis.
The back of the medal states, 'In the Name of Compassion, Hope, Peace. The Nightingale Fierce Protectress'.

Stay tuned for further news and please keep signing and forwarding the Petition for An Office of the National Nurse.

Senin, 06 Juni 2005

Teri on local television broadcast

Greetings! The local Portland television station KPTV channel 12 broadcast their interview with Teri the other night and she did a great job! Watch the video clip by going to their website: www.kptv.com and scroll down the page. It is currently posted with the headline "Tualatin woman has plan to improve health crisis".

They add " The United States is suffering from a health crisis. A majority of Americans are overweight, and millions more don't have health insurance. But Teri Mills of Tualatin has a unique plan to improve the situation."

They also provide a direct link to this website in their "Links" section off to the left of the main page.


ps. Over 400 signatures on the petition as of tonight! Keep 'em coming!

Minggu, 05 Juni 2005

360 Signatures on the Petition and Climbing

Greetings on a rainy day in beautiful Portland, Oregon. I am pleased to report that many groups have decided to eblast the petition for Congress to legislate an Office of the National Nurse to their members. These include the Maryland State Nurse's Association, the Oregon Multnomah County Democrats, the Oregon Washington County Democrats, and the Democratic Party of Oregon. Of course, we would love to see some Republican, Independent, Green Party and other groups send information about the Office of the National Nurse out to their membership too.

Health care is a family value and we certainly need affordable and accessible health care for all Americans. As nurses, we have seen firsthand how vital education is to keeping people well. The Office of the National Nurse would focus on prevention first.

I and my nursing students will be on KPTV/Fox News-Channel 12 tonight at 5 pm in the Portland Metropolitan area. Be sure to check back to see if there is a link we can post for everyone to watch.

In the meantime, please keep emailing the petition link to others so they can sign too.

Rabu, 01 Juni 2005

Interviews With RN Magazine and Good Day Oregon

Teri began her day with a 7:00 am interview with RN Magazine, a journal that reaches one quarter of a million nurses!! The article will be published in the July, 2005 issue.

A short time later, Teri found herself in the PCC Nursing Skills Lab surrounded by 6 of her nursing students and a camera crew from Good Day Oregon. This interview is scheduled to run on Sunday, June 5, 2005 at 5 pm PST. If there is a link to this story, Teri will be sure to share it with you.

Please keep the momentum going with signing the petition for the Office of the National Nurse. Click to sign it by looking at the column just to the right of this screen.

AFT-Oregon's Teri Is Going National!

Subject: Teri's Goin' National - Local 2277's own Teri Mills

DFO's Teri Mills in the New York Times: Dethrone the Surgeon General
The NYT published DFO leader Teri Mills' Op-ed, "America's Nurse" on May 20th.
The article was the third most emailed story for the day and Teri has been
swamped with emails and media requests.

On Tuesday May 25, Teri was guest on (Air America) Thom Hartmann's show;
watch for a reprint of her op-ed in the Oregonian!

You can hear the rado interview and also learn more about the role of the
National Nurse at www.nationalnurse.info.

Sign the upcoming petition and help make the National Nurse a reality.

Mills says, "We need health care, not sick care in America
and who better able to make this happen than nurses."

Senin, 30 Mei 2005

Read National Nurse Documents

This is a link where you can read PDF versions of the National Nurse documents -- currently, the original guest editorial in the NY Times, the opinion piece in the Oregonian, and the National Nurse entry into the Congressional Record.

Check back for updates.

Teri Mills, RN -- Real Nurse

It's important, as Teri gets introduced to more people through her interviews, that people understand who Teri really is. She is not a nursing instructor that hasn't touched a patient in 10 years! No, Teri is completely hands on. Teri is my role model because she is able to keep up with the latest clinical information, teach theory and apply it at the bedside, while providing all the personal and emotional support nursing students need as they confront issues they never imagined they would be in the middle of when they signed up for nursing school.

In addition to that, she is also a nurse practitioner, and works in a clinic during the summer to stay up-to-date in that role as a primary care provider. Teri's energy is boundless, and her commitment to being a positive force for change beyond her corner of the world is inspiring to all nurses who think they'll never have a voice.

Every person should have a nurse like Teri Mills.

NY Times Op/Ed reprinted in Oregonian

The Portland Oregonian newspaper reprinted Teri's NY Times Op/Ed today, Monday, May 30.

Congrats, Teri!

The National Nurse Corps is another step closer to reality!
Teri with a few of her Portland Community College Nursing students (aspiring members of the National Nurse Corps. :)  Posted by Hello