Minggu, 21 Mei 2006

More Impressions of Washington D.C.

(Pictured: Elizabeth Bienkowski, RN, MSN; Alisa Schneider, RN, MSN, CNE; Aarti Shah, Senior Legislative Assistant, Congressman Joe Barton (TX); Teri Mills, RN, MS, ANP; and Laura Stokowski, RN, MS)

Meeting with the health policy aides of House Members and Senators in Washington was a novel and memorable experience. Time is a valuable commodity on Capitol Hill. Our goal: to communicate the fundamentals of HR 4903, the bill to create an Office of the National Nurse. We hoped that our ideas about the Office of the National Nurse, and how it will improve the health of all Americans, were heard by these busy men and women.

As a relative newcomer to the National Nurse effort, this was my first opportunity to see the National Nurse Team in action. I was impressed not only by their erudition, but by their sincerity and the enthusiasm they have maintained a full year after beginning their campaign. I left even more committed to doing whatever I can to realize an Office of the National Nurse for America.

Submitted by Laura Stokowski, RN, MS

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