Rabu, 31 Mei 2006

Thank You Representative Zoe Lofgren (CA)

Pictured: Representative Zoe Lofgren (CA)

From Representative Lofgren's statement below, it is clear she understands the importance of having nurses teach health promotion and prevention to the public. Additionally, California is facing one of the worst nursing shortages in the United States, ranking 49th out of 50 in the number of RNs per capita according to the California Healthcare Association. The National Nurse Team therefore concurs with Representative Lofgren in seeing that HR 4903 is passed expeditiously so that we all may begin the work in tackling the nursing shortage and decreasing the epidemic of preventable diseases.

"I am proud to co-sponsor HR 4903 and hope this legislation is passed quickly in the House.  Given the severe shortage of nurses we now face in California, it is critically important that we determine how to attract more people in the nursing profession.  The creation of a National Nurse would encourage people to explore nursing, and help disseminate important information about being healthy and preventing disease," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA).

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