Selasa, 23 Mei 2006

Thank You Representative Tom Allen

Pictured: Representative Tom Allen (ME)
The National Nurse Team is thrilled to see U.S. Representative Tom Allen's name added to the list of co-sponsors in support of HR 4903, the National Nurse Act of 2006. Representative Allen, from Maine, sits on the House of Represenatatives Health Sub-Committee and is also a member of the House Nursing Caucus. The following is Representative Allen's statement:

"Nurses are the front line in providing care to the sick and injured and comfort to the chronically ill and the aging," U.S. Representative Tom Allen said. "Nurses also play a critically important role in educating the public about disease prevention and about leading healthy lives. Like many other states, Maine faces a looming shortage of these caring professionals. I am pleased to cosponsor the National Nurse Act which would establish the Office of the National Nurse to advocate for the nursing profession, to advance nursing issues and to collaborate with the Surgeon General and other federal health officials."

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