Rabu, 17 Mei 2006

National Nurse Team Meets With Leaders In Our Nation's Public Health Services

(Pictured: Left to Right: RADM Robert Williams, Laura Stokowski, RN, MS, RADM Carol Romano, Teri Mills, RN, MS, ANP and Alisa Schneider, RN, MSN, CNE)

Members of the National Nurse Team were honored to meet with RADM Carol A. Romano, RN, PhD, FAAN, Assistant Surgeon General, Chief Nursing Officer, U.S. Public Health Service and Surgeon General Richard Carmona's Chief of Staff RADM Robert Williams in addition to Captain Kerry Nesseler, RN, MS, Associate Administrator for Health Professions, Health Resources, and Services Administration; Captain Laura Chisholm, Deputy to RADM Carol Romano; and Captain David Kelly, PhD, MS, RN, CPHA, CERC, Chair-Elect (07) Nursing Professional Advisory Committee, USPHS to discuss the proposal for an Office of the National Nurse.

Thanks to the outstanding leadership and facilitation skills of RADM Romano, several ideas were heard and shared.

The National Nurse Team would also like to recognize Wanda Chestnut for her assistance in setting up this meeting.

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