Kamis, 25 Mei 2006

Thank You Representative Sherrod Brown (OH)

(Pictured: Representative Sherrod Brown)

This statement comes from Representative Sherrod Brown (OH) who is the ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Health and who also serves on the House Nursing Caucus.

"Our health care system depends on the 2.7 million nurses who have dedicated themselves to providing quality health care. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the National Nurses Act of 2006 (HR 4903), which would establish the Office of the National Nurse. The Office will provide mechanisms for nurses to work directly with policymakers to improve the nation's health, and will serve as a clearinghouse for nurses across the nation to share information about the best ways to provide patient care and education. The Office will also bring much-needed attention to addressing the critical shortage of nurses in Ohio and across the nation. Establishing the Office of the National Nurse will benefit the public health in significant ways, and I will work to secure passage of HR 4903."

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